এই_ছবিখন_হৈছে_বিশ্ব_বিখ্যাত_আৰু_পৃথিৱী_কঁপাই_যোৱা_শিহৰণকাৰী_ছবিৰ_ভিতৰত_এখন |Kevin Carter Committed Suicide 3 Months After He Won the Pulitzer Prize for a Photograph of a Vulture Stalking a Starving Girl

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Kevin Carter (13 September 1960 – 27 July 1994) was a South African photojournalist and member of the Bang-Bang Club See the heartbreaking Kevin Carter photos, including that of the vulture ... Photographer Rebecca Hearfield taking a picture of Kevin Carter Kevin Carter knew the stench of death. As a member of the Bang-Bang Club, a quartet of brave photographers who chronicled apartheid-era South Africa Dec 21, 2013 - In March 1993, photographer Kevin Carter took a trip to South Sudan, where he took an iconic photo of a starving little girl being preyed upon Photographs of, and taken by, Pulitzer Prize winning photographer Kevin Carter. 1960-1994 | See more ideas about Kevin carter, Photojournalism and Histor The haunting photography that helped to change the world but destroyed the man. Thanks to the work of Kevin Carter, the world saw racial Kevin Carter biography - At a time of great brutality and racial discrimination, a man stood against all odds to portray the true realities of life. An award winning

ইয়াতে শগুণটোয়ে অপেক্ষা কৰি আছে -#শিশুটোৰ_মৃত্যুৰ_অপেক্ষা ।। শিশুটো মৰি গলে তাৰ মাংসখিনি খোৱাৰ অপেক্ষাত।।এই ছবিটো তুলিছিল #kevin_carter নামৰ এজন ফটোগ্ৰাফাৰে 1994 ৰ ছুডানত, জাতিসংঘৰ খাদ্যৰ গুদামৰ ওচৰত।।এই ছবিখন তেতিয়া বিশ্বত আলোড়নৰ সৃষ্টি কৰিছিল।। কিন্তু শিশুটিৰ শেষ পৰিণতি কি হৈছিল সেইটো কোনেও একো কব নোৱাৰে।। আনকি kevin carter ও নাজানে ।।কিন্তু আমোদজনক কথাটো হ ল এই ছবিখনে #pulitzerবটাঁ লাভ কৰিবলৈ সক্ষম হৈছিল।।Kevin carter এই ছবিখন তোলাৰ তিনি মাহ পিছত আত্মহত্যা কৰিছিল।। পিছত জনা গৈছিল যে ছবিখন তোলাৰ বাবে kevin carter মানসিক ভাৱে ভাঙি পৰিছিল।। আৰু সেই কাৰণেই আত্মহত্যা কৰিছিল।।আত্মহত্যা কৰাৰ আগত kevin carter এ নিম্নলিখিত বাক্যশাৰী লিখি থৈ গৈছিল...Dear god, i promise i will never waste my food no matter how bad it can taste and how full i may be. I pray that he will protect this little child, guide and delivered him always from misery. I pray that we will be more sensitive towards the world around us and not be blinded by our own selfish nature and interest. I hope this picture will always serve as a reminder to us that how fortunate We are andhope that we must never ever take things for granted....আমি বহুতেই হোটেল বা পাৰ্টীত বহুতো খাদ্য অকাৰণতে লৈ খাব নোৱাৰি পেলাই দি আহো।। আমাৰ আপোনালোকলৈ এটি অনুৰোধ,যিমান খিনি খাদ্য আপুনি খাব পাৰে সিমান খিনিহে লব।।মনত ৰাখিব যত আপুনি খাদ্য নষ্ট কৰিছে তাত প্ৰতি মিনিটত শত শত ভোকাতুৰে ভোকত মৃত্যু বৰন কৰি আছে।।
Kevin Carter (13 September 1960 – 27 July 1994) was a South African photojournalist and member of the Bang-Bang Club See the heartbreaking Kevin Carter photos, including that of the vulture ... Photographer Rebecca Hearfield taking a picture of Kevin Carter Kevin Carter knew the stench of death. As a member of the Bang-Bang Club, a quartet of brave photographers who chronicled apartheid-era South Africa Dec 21, 2013 - In March 1993, photographer Kevin Carter took a trip to South Sudan, where he took an iconic photo of a starving little girl being preyed upon Photographs of, and taken by, Pulitzer Prize winning photographer Kevin Carter. 1960-1994 | See more ideas about Kevin carter, Photojournalism and Histor The haunting photography that helped to change the world but destroyed the man. Thanks to the work of Kevin Carter, the world saw racial Kevin Carter biography - At a time of great brutality and racial discrimination, a man stood against all odds to portray the true realities of life. An award winning
